Tarim Oilfield Daxing "Three Winds" to Enhance the Ability of the Executive Entrepreneurship

Tarim Oilfield Daxing "Three Winds" to Enhance the Ability of the Executive Entrepreneurship


Tarim Oilfield Daxing "Three Winds" to Enhance the Ability of the Executive Entrepreneurship

June 20 solstice 22, tarim oilfield company general manager, deputy secretary of party working qing-hua wang to "four two straight" way, to the kuqa mountain oil and gas production and engineering construction line to carry out the research, strive to solve the bottleneck restricting the development of high quality and staff masses "distress sorrow hope" problem, with high quality research to promote subject education go deep.

Insist on sink, promote the wind of investigation and research. The investigation and research of the Party Working Committee of Tarim Oilfield is "deep, solid, fine, accurate and effective", grasps the two keys of "solving problems" and "doing practical things", the leading group seeks the first, works in the front, sets the desk "moves" to the forefront of production, earnestly find out the situation, identify the problem, and sets the countermeasures.

Since the launch of the theme education, the leading cadres at all levels of Tarim oilfield have grasped the truth, focused on 78 research contents of 27 research topics, and found the truth and found the truth, and found the good policy. The 49 opinions and suggestions on basic research and exploration of the public and the research and production, and clarified the path of high quality development.

Insist on going out, and promote the wind of exchange and learning. In the face of world-class problems in ultra-deep oil and gas exploration and development, the Party committee of the company is armed with the party's innovative theories, guides practice, helps party members and cadres learn in communication and improve in learning, and solve the most direct and realistic problems in production and operation with new thinking and new actions.

During the exchange and study period, Tarim Oilfield recruited many talents to seek development, so that party members and leading cadres can emancipate their minds in the exchange and improve their ability in the study. Has held super deep seam hole type carbonate reservoir, di north dense gas reservoir, "cooperation" technology exchange seminar, and super deep oil and gas exploration and development technology exchange, for multiple deep oil and gas problems "pulse consultation", set wisdom research problem, speed up the breakthrough super deep geological theory, the key technical bottleneck, jointly explore "China depth" in the field of oil and gas exploration and development.

Adhere to build a platform, promote the wind of technical training. In the theme education, Tarim Oilfield takes technical training as a key move to improve its ability and solve problems, speeds up the construction of training leading talents, and continuously improves the ability of party members, leading cadres and officers in the theme education.

This year, in technology "lecture hall" this good tradition and continue to consolidate the perfect development at the same time, tarim oilfield construction technology, drilling business, strong ability of strong atmosphere, play "the research center" talent clusters and training base, organize 34 professional technology lecture hall, deepen the "concentrated training + combat"  "open training + actual combat", "expert consultation + disabuse" combination training mode, provide strong talent team for high quality development.