Jilin Oilfield Has Accelerated the Transformation and Upgrading of the Energy Industry

Jilin Oilfield Has Accelerated the Transformation and Upgrading of the Energy Industry


Jilin Oilfield Has Accelerated the Transformation and Upgrading of the Energy Industry

On August 5, on the salt-alkali beach of Qaidam Basin, the equipment on the yue 19-7 well site of Qinghai Oilfield, an oil production plant, was roaring, and the cementing construction was normal. Previously, during the construction process, party A and Party B have discussed and optimized the drilling and completion process. There are many other measures taken by both parties, and the construction of the well has set a new record in the block.

Qinghai Oilfield is the highest oil field in the world at present. The main oil and gas exploration and development areas are generally above 3000 meters. The natural conditions are extremely difficult, which can be called "life forbidden area", and the exploration and development is extremely difficult. In order to vigorously implement the new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic action, CNPC actively practiced the concept of "only achieving party A can achieve itself", formed a series of typical experiences and practices of integrated cooperation between Party A and Party B in Qinghai Oilfield, and achieved remarkable results in helping the oil field to increase storage and production with the speed and efficiency of the project. In the first half of this year, the drilling footage was 769,000 m, up 54.3% year on year; the average MT was 17.02 m / h, up 39.16% year on year; the average completion cycle was 15.87 days, down 30.93%.

Focus on exploration in exploration and development and strengthen coordinated operations. In view of the complex geological conditions of Qinghai oilfield, the grass-roots units of the participating enterprises actively integrated into the oilfield company, participated in weekly production meetings, and timely studied measures around the needs of exploration and development and production and operation problems."Through the back-to-back design, face-to-face discussion, and the implementation of internal and external combination, cross-field combination and multi-rank combination, complex well drilling has achieved good results."Wan Mingqing, director of the Engineering and Technology Department of Qinghai Oilfield, said that at present, the two sides have cooperated efficiently to realize the risk exploration Wells such as Shitan 1H, Diitan 1 and Hongtan 1H, and the drilling success rate of complex deep Wells such as Yingping 1 has reached 100%.

Focus on the project speed and improve efficiency, strengthen the overall planning."The oilfield actively builds a multi-party technical support platform, works together with expert groups of drilling enterprises, engineering technology research institutes and other units, participates in the joint review of drilling engineering schemes and key process construction schemes, jointly formulate technical measures for 'difficult and complicated diseases', strictly control the occurrence of complex accidents, and help improve the speed and efficiency of the project."Qinghai oilfield drilling process research institute technical expert Yang Yingkui said. Since the beginning of this year, Qinghai Oilfield has cooperated with CNPC to build a technical support platform mainly based on EISC, and establish support modes such as expert remote consultation to jointly guarantee the on-site technical support of key Wells. Data show that up to now, the rate of exploration and evaluation accidents has decreased by 6.41 percentage points year on year.

We will focus on consolidating the foundation of development and keep the bottom line firmly placed. Party A and Party B press down the "three links" responsibility of well control, fully carry out the "three assessments and three levels" of well control, and basically realize the matching of the team's well control ability with the risk level. The design source management should be strengthened, and the well structure should be sealed. The design deviation of drilling fluid density decreased from 0.15 in previous years to 0.03 this year. CNPC closely followed the control of high-risk areas and remote exploration Wells such as LengLake, Shizigou and Sebei, refined the technical measures of 23 key risk exploration Wells, comprehensively grasped the primary well control, and achieved the goal of "zero overflow".