Jilin Oilfield to Create A High-quality Demonstration of Green Energy Use

Jilin Oilfield to Create A High-quality Demonstration of Green Energy Use


Jilin Oilfield to Create A High-quality Demonstration of Green Energy Use

On March 27, the zero-carbon demonstration area project planned and constructed by Jilin Oilfield in the new mining area entered a key stage. Based on the secondary development of old oil fields, Jilin Oilfield has implemented the green integrated development and construction mode of "big platform + new energy + new technology", and strives to build a demonstration area for the secondary development of old oil fields and the green integration of new energy, and a demonstration area for ecological protection and industrial integration development of Chagan Lake.

Jilin Oilfield will become stronger, optimize and expand the green and low-carbon industry, with its respective advantages of crude oil, natural gas and new energy, laying a solid foundation for high-quality development in multiple dimensions.

In order to better integrate the development, Jilin Oilfield focuses on the stable production of Songyang benefits, the construction of southern Sichuan, and the development of new energy benefits, further clarifies the schedule, construction drawing and responsibility statement, and strives to complete the three years target, implement the deployment of "green transformation of development mode", accelerate the construction of new green energy forms, realize the new increment of new energy benefits, and accelerate the construction of landscape power generation of ten million kilowatts and carbon storage and geothermal utilization of five million tons and one million tons.

In terms of solar power generation, Jilin Oilfield has gathered together to build a green power project, vigorously promoted the integrated development of oil and gas and new energy, and effectively implemented the requirements of the same deployment, design and implementation.

In terms of CCUS, Jilin Oilfield, according to the deployment of "one body", "two wings" and "three steps", has accelerated the development of one million tons of negative carbon oilfield and the construction of CCUS + "double hundred" demonstration zone of green and low-carbon transformation, continuing to lead the innovative development of domestic CCUS industry.

In terms of geothermal waste heat utilization, Jilin Oilfield scientifically optimizes the industrial layout, promotes the utilization of geothermal waste heat from point to area, vigorously promotes the clean replacement projects, actively explores the geothermal heating market, and builds a new high-quality green energy use structure.