The First Carbon Dioxide Liquefaction Station in Liaohe Oilfield Was Put Into Operation

The First Carbon Dioxide Liquefaction Station in Liaohe Oilfield Was Put Into Operation


The First Carbon Dioxide Liquefaction Station in Liaohe Oilfield Was Put Into Operation

At the end of March, after more than a week of partial trial operation, the carbon dioxide liquefaction station of Special Oil Company of Liaohe Oilfield was successfully put into operation. This is the first carbon dioxide liquefaction station independently built and put into operation by Liaohe Oilfield, which will increase the liquefaction capacity of 40,000 tons per year.

For a long time, the carbon dioxide injected by the auxiliary oil flooding in Liaohe oilfield is mainly outsourced, and the gas source is unstable and the price is high. The operation of this station marks the first time that Liaohe Oilfield has the capacity of independent carbon dioxide liquefaction treatment, which will lay a stable carbon source foundation for the continuous CCUS test and realize the effective utilization of carbon dioxide produced by the oil field.

In recent years, Liaohe Oilfield has actively implemented the national "dual-carbon" target, and continued to carry out the capture, separation and recovery of oil well associated gas. Du 84, where the Special oil Company is located, has separated about 33 million cubic meters of gaseous carbon dioxide every year. However, due to the lack of carbon dioxide liquefaction capacity, some of the surplus carbon dioxide gas cannot be liquefied and used to assist oil flooding, resulting in a waste of resources. The new carbon dioxide liquefaction station is to expand the carbon dioxide liquefaction and storage facilities on the basis of the original carbon dioxide separation unit.

This liquefaction station is a part of the "Liaohe Oilfield Huan Mining, Special oil carbon dioxide capture and flooding oil emission reduction pilot ground project". After the first carbon dioxide liquefaction station is put into operation, the Huan capture station will also be put into operation in the near future.