Changqing Oilfield: Grasp the Main Line to Enable Production to Achieve Double Growth of Oil and Gas Production

Changqing Oilfield: Grasp the Main Line to Enable Production to Achieve Double Growth of Oil and Gas Production


Changqing Oilfield: Grasp the Main Line to Enable Production to Achieve Double Growth of Oil and Gas Production

On April 25, Changqing Oilfield, with the theme of "Adhering to the People-centered", held a reading class to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Since the launch of theme education, Changqing Oilfield has immediately studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, combined with the characteristics of the oilfield, highlighted the theoretical study, investigation and research, development, inspection and rectification, and the "five highlights" of establishing rules and regulations as the starting point, and promoted the tasks of theme education with high standards.

In terms of highlighting theoretical study, Changqing Oilfield has carefully formulated special work plans for study and discussion, investigation and research, actively held reading classes, expert lectures, carried out thematic discussion, case exchange and other activities, and distributed more than 20,000 books on thematic education and learning. The actual development of the party committee of the company determined 17 learning themes and 10 discussion themes, and promoted the specific practice of "building a world-class oil and gas field" with the learning results.

In terms of prominent investigation and research, Changqing Oilfield adheres to the working principle of "going straight to the front line, finding out the base, identifying the problems and optimizing the upgrading", sets up a special research team to investigate the practical difficulties of the employees in the Longdong oil area and promote the development of scale benefit of shale oil.

In promoting the development, changqing oilfield continues to promote "big well cluster, factory" production mode, grasp the real block, layer system, well type "three optimization", vigorously promotes the "ballast stone" project, reservoir comprehensive management, water injection, the old well assets efficiency tapping four key work, strengthen the "end prison energy bowl". Since April 1, Changqing Oilfield has produced an average of 71,600 tons of crude oil and 143 million cubic meters of natural gas per day, achieving a "double increase in oil and gas".

In examining rectification and building rules and regulations, changqing oilfield control "theoretical study, political quality, ability, bear as, work style, honesty and self-discipline" six aspects of outstanding problems, item by item list, measures, rectification, and the subject education of good practice, good experience in the form of system, form a long-term mechanism.