Daqing Oilfield to the Right Direction of the World Class

Daqing Oilfield to the Right Direction of the World Class


Daqing Oilfield to the Right Direction of the World Class

On May 3, Zhao Yunfei, deputy director of Daqing Oilfield Development Division, investigated the test site of heavy oil block of No.9 Oil Production Plant, helping to help solve the problem of heavy oil steam sand disposal and provide technical support for the annual output of one million tons of crude oil. This is an epitome of Daqing oilfield's comprehensive promotion of theme education.

Daqing Oilfield takes theme education as a systematic project, fully implements key measures, integrates theoretical study, investigation and research, promoting development, inspection and rectification, and organically combines and promotes it together. Based on the political height of "absolute loyalty to the party" and the responsibility of "being a good benchmark banner", we should promote the implementation of theme education in the whole oil field.

Highlight the goal orientation, the "pulse" of the theme education, to learn the characteristics, learn strong. Daqing oilfield will strengthen armed theory and practice of fine tradition, battle good "reading class", full use of red resources, to review xi general secretary to the 60th anniversary of the discovery of Daqing oilfield congratulations important instructions spirit, collective visit iron man memorial hall as reading class "first class", the inheritance of oil spirit and Daqing spirit iron man spirit, to shoulder the end on energy bowl, ensure the responsibility of national energy security.

Highlight the problem orientation, the "root" of the quasi-theme education, do to promote learning, learning to change. Daqing Oilfield promotes the solution of the development problems by deepening the investigation and research, and closely combines the study and research with the various tasks of the party's 20th deployment. The leading group carefully chooses the research topic, formulates the research plan, chooses the unit that is more difficult, the work can not open the situation, studies the problem thoroughly, the measure is reliable.

Highlight the process orientation, the "effect" of the quasi-theme education, do to learn to promote dry, learning. Daqing Oilfield is working hard to understand and practice, promote the deep transformation of Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the oilfield, and constantly increase the "new content", "gold content" and "green content" of development. At present, Daqing Oilfield is carrying out the labor competition with the theme of "holding the benchmark as the banner, one stability, three increase and two promotion", focusing on production, competition, innovation, innovation, service and efficiency, promoting the high-quality development with the state of "struggle + endeavor", and constantly pooling wisdom and strength for building a world-class modern oilfield.