Deep Regulation and Displacement of 100 Tons in Bo 3 High Water Cut Block of Shengli Oilfield

Deep Regulation and Displacement of 100 Tons in Bo 3 High Water Cut Block of Shengli Oilfield


Deep Regulation and Displacement of 100 Tons in Bo 3 High Water Cut Block of Shengli Oilfield

Recently, researchers from the third Mining Institute of Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield have implemented deep regulation in Gudao Bo 3. Since the implementation of one month, the water content of the block has decreased by 1 percentage point compared with before the implementation, and the daily increase of oil is 4 tons, and the cumulative increase of oil is more than 100 tons. The trend continues to improve.

Bo 3 block belongs to the middle hole seepage reservoir. At present, the comprehensive water cut is 92.5%, the recovery degree is 40.5%, and the oil recovery speed is 0.56%. It is in the stage of high recovery degree, low oil recovery speed and high water cut. The researchers combined with the site for many times, and preferred to carry out deep regulation drive technology test in GDB 3-6 well. The implementation of the rear well site monitoring shows that the seepage resistance inside the block is gradually increased, and the dominant channel is effectively blocked.