The Pilot Test Project of Ma 19 Gas Storage in Liaohe Oilfield was Put into Operation

The Pilot Test Project of Ma 19 Gas Storage in Liaohe Oilfield was Put into Operation


The Pilot Test Project of Ma 19 Gas Storage in Liaohe Oilfield was Put into Operation

On August 1, CNPC's first test project of flooded oil and gas reservoir —— Ma 19 gas storage project of Liaohe Oilfield was put into operation, injecting 62,000 cubic meters of natural gas into the underground every hour.

Different from most of the gas reservoirs in China that aim to rebuild exhausted oil and gas reservoirs, Ma 19 gas reservoir is a strong flooded oil and gas reservoir affected by water injection development for many years. Therefore, drainage must be first to build reservoirs. At the same time, block 19 has large oil and gas reserves, high permeability, large porosity, and geological conditions are conducive to reservoir construction.

In the design stage, researchers study 19 block geological characteristics, formulate targeted library measures, innovation put forward "the top of the new well ring gas injection, low old well stage drainage, gradually form effective gas roof" way of the library, in accordance with the "balanced injection to speed up the gas-liquid interface extrapolation" principle, deployed at the top of the reservoir two gas injection Wells, deployed in low parts of 10 drainage Wells, to carry out the key parameters, provide scientific basis for the overall library parameter design.

After entering the drainage stage, the researchers closely tracked the drainage volume and pressure changes of the oil and gas reservoir every day, strengthened the dynamic analysis in the drainage process based on the on-site test data, and adjusted the drainage well and drainage volume in time to ensure that the drainage volume is more than 2,300 cubic meters per day.

Up to now, ma 19 gas storage reservoir has accumulated 300,000 cubic meters of liquid discharge, forming a storage capacity of 470 million cubic meters.