At 6,000 Meters Deep! The Deep Taco 1 Well Advanced to the Super-Deep Formation

At 6,000 Meters Deep! The Deep Taco 1 Well Advanced to the Super-Deep Formation


At 6,000 Meters Deep! The Deep Taco 1 Well Advanced to the Super-Deep Formation

As of the morning of August 27, China's first 10,000 meters of exploration well —— deep Taco 1 well drilling depth has been more than half, reached 5,945 meters, to 6,000 meters to deep super deep formation.

In recent years, deep and even ultra-deep oil and gas resources have become an important part of China's energy structure. Ultra-deep well drilling should face the limits of ultra-high temperature, ultra-high pressure drilling and completion technology. For every 100 meters underground, the temperature rises by about 2 degrees Celsius. At a depth of about 10,000 meters, the mine will face temperatures of more than 200 degrees Celsius. Liu Jinlong, an engineer from the exploration department of Tarim Oilfield, said, " We have developed high-strength metal seals, as well as logging instruments with high temperature resistance of 230 degrees Celsius and 175 mpa, which provide support for the drilling of 10,000 meters deep Wells."At present, Tarim Oilfield has drilled more than 100 Wells of 8,000 meters deep, and the annual oil and gas production of ultra-deep Wells has exceeded 18 million tons, which strongly supports the increase of oil and gas storage and production.

Well Deep Taco 1 has set several domestic records since it was drilled on May 30. In the operation of lower casing completed on August 12, the weight of 538 casing head to end reached 660 tons, setting many records of the deepest penetration of large size casing and the largest tonnage of casing in China, and comprehensively tested the improvement capacity of the drilling rig.