Dagang Oilfield: Cultivating Green Energy to Accelerate the Pace of High-Quality Development

Dagang Oilfield: Cultivating Green Energy to Accelerate the Pace of High-Quality Development


Dagang Oilfield: Cultivating Green Energy to Accelerate the Pace of High-Quality Development

Since the beginning of this year, Dagang Oilfield has taken the oil area as the origin, radiated to "one city and four provinces", solidly and effectively promoted the market development work, and achieved the breakthrough development of the new geothermal market "from 0 to 7.77 million square meters".

At the beginning of the year, Dagang Oilfield put forward the overall development idea of adhering to one body and two wings and synergistic integration, and actively built a new pattern of high-quality development with oil and gas exploration and development as the main body, new energy and gas storage business flying together, and for the first time took new energy business as an important wing.

In the face of fierce competition in the new energy heating service market, Dagang Oilfield has formed a development pattern with Tianjin as the center and the business of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces. This year, the first four geothermal energy heating and cooling projects in the oilfield started smoothly, and the second batch of five geothermal energy heating and cooling projects passed the preliminary evaluation and will soon start.

Dagang Oilfield focuses on shallow and medium-deep geothermal development, continuously deepens the evaluation of geothermal system "source, storage, water, cover and flow", optimizes favorable distribution areas of geothermal resources, establishes geothermal geological models of key blocks in Dagang exploration area, and fine-evaluates the dynamic amount of geothermal resources to guide the efficient development of geothermal projects. At the same time, the oilfield actively explored the technology of transforming geothermal Wells and air sources from idle oil and gas Wells, studied and solved technical problems such as casing transformation, sand control, perforation, and corrosion prevention, and won the first external market project; Drawing on the technical experience of water injection and purification in oil and gas production, the surface water that meets the requirements will be stored underground with the help of geothermal Wells in summer and taken out in winter, so as to realize the sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources through "summer storage and winter use".

In order to ensure the high-quality landing of geothermal projects, Dagang Oilfield has set up a geothermal construction operation and maintenance center, and set up nine geothermal work project departments, basically realizing "deployment before start-up, communication during promotion, and evaluation during operation and maintenance". In addition, after investigation and coordination, the price of shallow geothermal heating and cooling in the oil area was successfully approved by the professional meeting of the oil field company, which is of great significance to the development of geothermal projects and the improvement of quality and efficiency.

Dagang Oilfield actively grasps the "dual carbon" opportunity and cultivates green development momentum. At present, the shallow geothermal heating and cooling project of the Research Institute of Exploration and Development and the fifth Oil Production Plant has been stably operated for more than 22,000 hours, and the annual carbon reduction is about 11,000 tons. With the completion of nine geothermal heating and cooling projects this year, the geothermal heating and cooling area of Dagang Oilfield will reach 1.28 million square meters.