Tarim Oilfield Power Transmission and Gas Supply for Xinjiang Construction

Tarim Oilfield Power Transmission and Gas Supply for Xinjiang Construction


Tarim Oilfield Power Transmission and Gas Supply for Xinjiang Construction

On September 20, two 100,000 kilowatt photovoltaic power stations in Weili and Jiemu of Tarim Oilfield Company were transported to the power grid system with a daily power supply of 1.065,000 kilowatt-hours, lighting up thousands of households. At the same time, the company has delivered 4.17 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the five prefectures in southern Xinjiang this year, an increase of 560 million cubic meters. This "one input, one delivery" has turned "cold resources" into "hot economy", which has led to the rapid improvement of living standards of residents in counties and cities in southern Xinjiang and the vigorous development of characteristic industries.

Since the beginning of this year, in order to ensure national energy security and help the construction of beautiful Xinjiang, Tarim Oilfield has accelerated the construction of new energy bases and the gasification pipeline network project in southern Xinjiang, constantly extended the transmission and gas supply chain, and focused on building a new pattern of green, low-carbon, clean and efficient, and multi-energy complementary energy supply, so as to ensure the stable supply of natural gas and electricity in southern Xinjiang and build capacity for modernization.

New energy development projects have accumulated green momentum. Tarim Oilfield adheres to the implementation of a batch, planning a batch, reserve a batch, coordinate the development of wind power, photovoltaic, solar thermal, pumped storage and other multi-energy, and accelerate the construction of "sand desert" new energy base. At the end of March this year, the company's first external clean energy supply new energy station - Weili County 100,000 kW photovoltaic power generation project was successfully connected to the grid, and got the first "green card" of power Internet. Two months later, the company put into operation the largest 100,000 kilowatt centralized photovoltaic power station in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert in Qiemao County, and promoted the on-board power generation and grass grid sand control and soil improvement mode under the board, achieving sand fixation of more than 4,000 mu, lighting the "green engine" for the transformation and upgrading of the local energy structure, industrial structure and economic structure.

Since the beginning of summer this year, in the face of the continuous rise in temperature across Xinjiang and the peak of electricity consumption in summer, Tarim Oilfield has fully tapped the production potential of gas and electricity "dual energy", and a number of new energy businesses have achieved zero breakthroughs. Up to now, the "centralized + distributed" measures have been adopted to produce more than 100 million KWH of green electricity. Among them, the daily electricity generation climbed from the initial 110,000 KWH to the highest of 1.2 million KWH, and the maximum production of green electricity in a month was 36.08 million KWH, which effectively guaranteed the rapid growth of demand for electricity in southern Xinjiang in summer. At present, Tarim Oilfield continues to expand the installed scale of photovoltaic power generation, and accelerate the promotion of 1.1 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation projects in Kashgar Jiashi and Yecheng.

At the same time of "air" green electricity delivery, Tarim Oilfield has given full play to the advantages of enterprises in Xinjiang, and has built 4,704 kilometers of gas transmission network around the Tarim Basin, transporting more than 54 billion cubic meters of natural gas in total, strongly driving the rapid development of local economy, and becoming a strong support for poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in southern Xinjiang. This year, the company accelerated the implementation of the five prefectures in southern Xinjiang natural gas supply capacity improvement project, promoted 11 technical measures, deployed 14 key Wells for natural gas supply this winter and next spring, and fully promoted the steady production of natural gas. In the first eight months, the company took measures to restore natural gas production capacity of 1.53 million cubic meters/day, exceeding the plan by 220,000 cubic meters/day, and the cumulative increase of natural gas reached 422 million cubic meters.

The rolling air flow of Tarim oilfield plays a radiating role in driving the development of more than 1,100 local enterprises that use natural gas as fuel, such as Nanda New Agriculture and Amina Food, absorbing and driving more than 100,000 jobs, and obtaining unprecedented development of green industrial chains related to clean energy utilization, agricultural product processing and ethnic processing in 14 cities such as Korla, Luntai, Kuqa and Kashgar. Natural gas is playing a unique role in the construction of city clusters in southern Xinjiang and accelerating the new urbanization.