Chuanqing Drilling Set the Record of the Deepest Air Drilling Well in China

Chuanqing Drilling Set the Record of the Deepest Air Drilling Well in China


Chuanqing Drilling Set the Record of the Deepest Air Drilling Well in China

On October 3, Chuanqing 90205 drilling team implemented air drilling operation in the third opening section of Bozi 24-5 well, and successfully drilled to a well depth of 5,100 meters, setting three records, including the deepest air drilling well in China, the highest average mechanical drilling rate of air drilling in Tarim Oilfield, and the longest penetration of a single domestic cone bit.

Bozi 24-5 is a development well deployed by Tarim Oilfield in Aksu area of Xinjiang, with a design depth of 7449 meters. Geological data show that the well has a thick gravel layer and poor drillability. In order to realize the speed and efficiency of drilling, Chuanqing Drilling and the management department of the Kuqa Project of Tarim Oilfield jointly discussed the speed and speed measures, and preferred the newly introduced 9000 meters intelligent drilling rig to drill the well this year. Chuanqing Drilling Xinjiang Branch Company and Chuanqing Drilling and Production Engineering Technology Research Institute jointly formulated the drilling and completion speed improvement plan, carefully compared and analyzed the adjacent well data and the formation lithology change and water layer distribution during the drilling process, and drew the conclusion that it was feasible to implement air drilling speed improvement and efficiency improvement in the third opening section of the well.

In the specific drilling process, the well began to implement air drilling from the well depth of 3003 meters, and it took 18.7 days to drill to the well depth of 5100 meters, and the average mechanical drilling rate was 116% higher than that of the drilling fluid used in the adjacent well Bozi 1001.