Liaohe Oilfield Gathers Wisdom and Innovates to Shape New Development Momentum

Liaohe Oilfield Gathers Wisdom and Innovates to Shape New Development Momentum


Liaohe Oilfield Gathers Wisdom and Innovates to Shape New Development Momentum

On October 26, the reporter learned that the pilot test of 30 kW electric hot melt salt boiler in Liaohe Oilfield was successful, and the first domestic high temperature electric hot melt salt heat storage steam injection station is about to be put into operation, which will subvert the traditional boiler gas burning mode and achieve energy electrification. This is a miniature of Liaohe Oilfield to carry out 12 revolutionary and subversive technology research and shape the new momentum of oilfield science and technology development.

Since the beginning of this year, Liaohe Oilfield has based on the current, focused on the major needs of future industrial development, carried out scientific and technological innovation and technology research and development prospectively, and sorted out 12 revolutionary and subversive technologies of Liaohe oilfield for the first time, pointing out the direction for creating the source of original technology and realizing the leapfrog upgrade of technological innovation.

Strengthen top-level design to ensure that disruptive technologies lead development. Liaohe Oilfield focused on 12 research directions, pooled the strength of the whole oilfield to identify the key research points, and finally established 12 subversive technologies such as hot and wet steam generation technology of electric hot melt salt storage and heavy oil solvent-assisted thermal recovery development technology, covering the key development fields of unconventional oil and gas reservoir exploration and development, new energy construction, drilling and production technology and SAGD development. Breaking the traditional technical thinking and technological development route of the oilfield is expected to bring technological breakthroughs or even technological revolution and industrial change in the oilfield, and give birth to new economic growth points, which is crucial to supporting long-term stable production of the oilfield.

Innovative research mode, so that subversive technology research blueprint landing. Liaohe Oilfield relies on major scientific and technological projects of deep gas, CCUS, automatic workover and other companies and the "revealers" project to carry out endogenous technological innovation. At present, based on the research of deep gas accumulation mechanism and exploration strategy in Liaohe Depression, the new discoveries of deep gas resources are expected to form a new field for increasing storage and production. Relying on the Liaohe Oilfield carbon pool potential evaluation and supporting technology research project, the CCUS test scale of multi-type reservoirs has been gradually expanded to help build a carbon sequestration demonstration base in Liaoning Province; Relying on the research projects of well workover automation and efficiency improvement technology, the rapid development of underground mechatronics leads the oilfield process technology to change lanes and overtake; Relying on the key technology research project to greatly improve the recovery of heavy oil, the exploratory test of the "electric replacement gas" process will help seize the new track in the field of energy storage.

We will strengthen cross-border integration and innovation and foster a more open innovation ecosystem. Liaohe Oilfield has completed the construction of four company-level innovation consortions, and accelerated the construction of an "industry-university-research and application-oriented" innovation system with enterprises as the main body. We organized and held technical exchanges on low-carbon development of heavy oil and shale oil to further emancipate our minds and focus on key issues by creating a more open innovation ecology. At the end of August this year, Liaohe Oilfield successfully "unveiled" Liaoning CCUS project, led the establishment of a joint research project team with Northeastern University, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning Shihua University, to jointly tackle the "carbon dioxide oil flooding and geological storage collaborative control technology research and development" project, is expected to build an annual injection of 150,000 tons of carbon dioxide industrialization demonstration zone. It will strongly support the construction of oilfield carbon pool and improve the level of oilfield CCUS research and construction.