Fine Discharge and Production in Zhejiang Oilfield Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency

Fine Discharge and Production in Zhejiang Oilfield Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency


Fine Discharge and Production in Zhejiang Oilfield Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency

In the first three quarters of this year, Zhejiang oilfield promoted the use of automatic bubble drainage equipment in more than 200 gas Wells through the application of fine foam drainage gas production technology, which improved production efficiency and saved 2.27 million yuan in cost, with obvious results.

After years of development in the main production area of Zhejiang oilfield, the formation pressure has decreased year by year, and the wellbore accumulation has become increasingly serious, which affects the sustainable and stable production. By applying fine drainage and production technology, the technical personnel have managed the problem of frequent fluid accumulation in gas Wells, and achieved a better stable production effect.

With the maximum utilization of formation energy as the core, technicians focus on fine pressure control, optimize and improve the functions of automatic bubble discharge equipment, carry out intelligent liquid accumulation early warning and intelligent bubble discharge management and control system, promote intelligent control valves, and deepen the theoretical research of "gas lift +" process through the cross-border combination of "process equipment + intelligent system" software and hardware. With the multi-lift of one machine, U-shaped valve lifting and other modes, the application of fine drainage technology is constantly promoted. Up to now, 327 shale gas Wells in Zhejiang oilfield have applied the fine drainage technology, while relying on the production and operation platform to achieve fine monitoring.

In the next step, Zhejiang Oilfield will increase the investment in automatic bubble discharge equipment, increase the application coverage rate, and further promote cost reduction and efficiency.