Experts and Scholars Offer Suggestions for the Exploration and Development of Deep-Sea Oil and Gas

Experts and Scholars Offer Suggestions for the Exploration and Development of Deep-Sea Oil and Gas


Experts and Scholars Offer Suggestions for the Exploration and Development of Deep-Sea Oil and Gas

From November 2 to 3, 19 journals including "World Petroleum Industry" held the "Academic Seminar of Energy Science and Technology Journals on Deep-sea Oil and Gas Exploration and Development" in Yangzhou.

At the meeting, Jia Chengzao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, took the geological research and petroleum exploration work of the Tarim Basin as an example, introduced "scientific and technological problems in the exploration and development of deep and ultra-deep oil and gas in the oil-bearing basin", and elaborated the geological theory of lithostratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs in depth. Deng Yunhua, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in the report "Oil and Gas Geological Characteristics of the Atlantic Deep Water Basin", described the practice process of discovering multiple large and medium-sized oil and gas fields in Africa and South America through in-depth research on major oil and gas basins in the world. Li Ning, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, introduced the challenges of 10,000 meters deep geophysical logging and "reverse lunar exploration" project in a simple way, so that participants had an intuitive understanding of the complex project of geophysical logging.

Experts at the meeting agreed that speeding up deep-sea exploration and development is not only a specific action to implement the "four deep" strategy, but also an inevitable choice to ensure national energy security. In the field of deep-sea exploration, China has established a "three-depth" pattern of deep diving, deep drilling and deep net. In the field of deep earth exploration, scientific drilling technology of 10,000 meters has been developed. The exploration of the deep-sea deep earth field will continue to contribute scientific and technological strength to build the future industry of deep-sea oil and gas exploration and development in China and increase the exploration and development of domestic oil and gas resources.

The conference is an interdisciplinary and cross-field academic exchange platform jointly built by energy science and technology journals under the guidance of the Economic and Technological Research Institute of CNPC, the National High-end Think Tank Research Center of CNPC and the National Committee of the China World Petroleum Council. Nearly 370 representatives from more than 120 units, including petrochina, Sinopec, CNOOC, foreign oil companies, research institutions, universities and academic journals, focused on the technical bottlenecks and needs of oil and gas exploration in deep sea ultra-deep areas, exchanged core technologies, shared innovation results, and focused on oil and gas exploration technology and theory, key technologies and equipment, strategy and integration. To provide suggestions for deep sea exploration and development.