Tarim Oilfield Produces more than 500 Million Tons of Oil and Gas Equivalent

Tarim Oilfield Produces more than 500 Million Tons of Oil and Gas Equivalent


Tarim Oilfield Produces more than 500 Million Tons of Oil and Gas Equivalent

As of November 7, the Tarim Oilfield, the largest ultra-deep oil and gas production base in China, had produced more than 500 million tons of oil and gas equivalent in the 34 years since the war, including 161.37 million tons of crude oil and 424.998 billion cubic meters of natural gas, making outstanding contributions to ensuring national energy security and promoting economic and social development. The Tarim Oilfield has further consolidated its important position as a strategic substitute area for oil and gas production in China.

Most of the production stations and oil and gas Wells in Tarim Oilfield are located in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, which is known as the "Sea of Death", with harsh surface environment and complex geological structure. In 2022, the average drilling depth of the oil field exceeds 7,000 meters, which is more than twice the depth of the oil field in eastern China, and is recognized by the industry as one of the most difficult areas in the world for oil and gas exploration and development.

As the third largest onshore oil and gas field and the main gas source of west-east gas transmission in China, Tarim Oilfield faces the exploration and development problems of ultra-deep, ultra-high temperature, ultra-high pressure and high sulfur content, which are "rare in the world and unique in China", and makes great efforts to overcome the ultra-deep complex oil and gas geological theories and key core technologies. In recent years, it has comprehensively conquered and mastered a series of 8000 meters of ultra-deep exploration and development technologies, and a number of new technologies, new equipment and new tools such as vertical drilling and high-density drilling fluids have broken foreign monopolies and filled domestic gaps. Tarim Oilfield became the only enterprise in the petroleum and petrochemical industry of the five provinces in Northwest China to win the 7th China Industrial Award and was selected as the SASAC "to create a world-class professional Leading Demonstration Enterprise".

Thanks to the continuous breakthrough of geological theory and engineering technology, the exploration and development of Tarim Oilfield has continued to advance into ultra-deep and complex fields, and a number of major exploration discoveries have been made, and 32 large and medium-sized oil and gas fields have been developed. In the ultra-deep underground of the equivalent of Mount Everest, the Fuman 1 billion ton oil area and the two trillion cubic meter atmosphere areas of Klar-Kishen and Boz-Great North have been found, promoting the annual oil and gas production equivalent of the oilfield from the initial 33,900 tons to 33.1 million tons in 2022. Especially in the past six years, the annual production equivalent of oil and gas in Tarim Oilfield has maintained an increase of one million tons, which is equivalent to contributing a million-ton oil field to the country every year.

Up to now, Tarim Oilfield has drilled more than 130 8,000-meter-level "underground Qomolangma" such as the first well and the Guole 3C well. The annual output of ultra-deep oil and gas has exceeded 18 million tons, ranking first in China and becoming the largest deep-ground oil and gas rich area in China. On May 30 this year, China's first 10,000-meter deep well, the deep-ground Take 1 well, was drilled in the Tarim Basin, promoting China to become the third country in the world to achieve 10,000-meter deep well drilling.

While accelerating its own development, Tarim Oilfield has resolutely taken on the responsibilities and missions of the main gas source of the West-East gas transmission and the primary gas source in southern Xinjiang, with a cumulative gas supply exceeding 390 billion cubic meters, benefiting more than 400 million residents in 15 provinces, regions and cities downstream of the West-East gas transmission and covering more than 8 million people of all ethnic groups in 42 counties and cities in southern Xinjiang, firmly safeguarding the bottom line of people's livelihood and energy.

At present, Tarim Oilfield is promoting the coordinated development of oil and gas and new energy, accelerating the formation of green, low-carbon, clean and efficient, multi-energy complementary energy supply system, has built 700,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation projects in the desert Gobi. Since the beginning of this year, the production of green electricity has exceeded 170 million KWH, and the total equivalent of energy supply has steadily increased.