Dagang Oilfield Geothermal Heating Accelerated

Dagang Oilfield Geothermal Heating Accelerated


Dagang Oilfield Geothermal Heating Accelerated

On November 16, the reporter learned that four geothermal energy heating and cooling projects, such as the area of Bohai Drilling Company No. 3 Drilling Company and the area of fire detachment (Security Department and Armed Forces Department) in Dagang Oil region, have been officially put into use. At this point, the number of geothermal energy heating and cooling projects completed and put into operation in Dagang Oilfield has increased to 7, and the green and low-carbon transformation has accelerated.

Geothermal energy is a kind of underground renewable energy, which is green, low-carbon, recyclable, stable and reliable. Dagang Oilfield is rich in geothermal resources, as early as 2021, with the Exploration and Development Research Institute and the Fifth oil production plant as the pilot, the construction of China Petroleum shallow geothermal energy clean heating demonstration project, which is clean heat exchange, integration of heating and cooling, and intelligent control. Under the "double carbon" goal, Dagang Oilfield further accelerated the pace of geothermal energy development and utilization, and this year focused on the implementation of four geothermal energy heating and cooling projects in the fire detachment (Security Department, Armed Forces Department) area.

In the process of project construction, Dagang Oilfield Geothermal Development Company takes ensuring safe construction as the premise and improving the quality of the project as the basis to coordinate the standardization construction of each construction link. Each project department will formulate monthly and weekly production plans according to the actual situation, refine and quantify the project construction progress one by one, and achieve the "four implementation" of leadership, positions, responsibilities and measures, and the "four clarity" of goals, tasks, time limits and requirements. In the meantime, the oilfield strengthened the connection of each process, rationally optimized the construction plan, carefully organized the site construction, and laid a solid foundation for the successful completion of the pressure test of the primary network and the secondary network pipeline, flushing, circulating pump, supplementary pump and other equipment stand-alone trial operation.

In order to do a good job in the operation and maintenance of heating equipment this winter and next spring, the geothermal development company relies on the experience of exploration and development Research Institute and the fifth oil production plant in the operation and management of shallow geothermal energy heating and cooling projects, and makes full use of the remote monitoring system and the online command platform of the production emergency dispatching center to improve the level of intelligent management and emergency support processing capacity. At the same time, tracking the operation of heating services every day, implementing emergency repair teams, equipment tools and spare parts in advance, and fully guaranteeing the warm winter of cadres and workers in the project area.

It is expected that by the end of this year, nearly 400,000 square meters of geothermal heating area can be achieved in the oil area, which can reduce carbon emissions by 28,000 tons per year compared with traditional heating methods.