The World's First Electric Hot Melt Salt Energy Storage Steam Injection Test Station Settled in Liaohe Oilfield

The World's First Electric Hot Melt Salt Energy Storage Steam Injection Test Station Settled in Liaohe Oilfield


The World's First Electric Hot Melt Salt Energy Storage Steam Injection Test Station Settled in Liaohe Oilfield

On December 6, the world's first electric hot melt salt energy storage steam injection test station was put into operation in Block 40 of Huanxling Oil production plant in Liaohe Oilfield. The test station can produce 48,000 tons of steam annually, replace 3.13 million cubic meters of natural gas, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6,768 tons.

"The operation of this test station is the first step to completely change the production method of thermal recovery steam for heavy oil, and it is a stepping stone for old oil fields to open up a new track for energy storage business." Liaohe oil field chief engineer Yang Lilong said. In December 2022, Liaohe Oilfield comprehensively carried out the research and test of electric hot melt salt energy storage steam injection technology. In January this year, Liaohe Oilfield achieved the successful application of 120 kW single-well electric hot melt salt heat storage device in the gathering and transportation system through the pilot test; In May, Liaohe Oilfield started the construction of the world's first electric hot melt salt energy storage steam injection test station in Qi40 block.

At present, the common method of molten salt energy storage is to convert light heat or valley electricity and green electricity into heat energy stored in molten salt, and then generate superheated steam for power generation by continuously releasing heat energy and heat exchange with pure water throughout the day. Through the original steam generation system, the experimental station will purify and soften the sewage generated in the process of oil field exploitation and exchange heat with high temperature molten salt, and the wet saturated steam generated will be directly used in oil field production, which can effectively reduce the consumption in the process of energy conversion.

The project is a key scientific research project of Liaoning Province and China Petroleum. Relying on the "horse race system", Liaohe Oilfield, together with Zhejiang University and Xizi Jieneng Company, has overcome key technologies such as the electrothermal melt salt energy storage heat transfer cycle process and the accurate control of the dryness of steam generator, independently developed the direct flow wet saturated steam generation device for molten salt heating, and formed 14 core technologies in 5 categories such as molten salt process technology and high temperature storage tank technology.

On the basis of the successful test of the station, Liaohe Oilfield will gradually expand the scale of electric hot melt salt energy storage steam injection, expand green electricity consumption, reduce carbon emissions in the process of heavy oil production, and play a regulating role in the regional power grid, and strive to build a regional "energy storage".