The Directional Drilling Back of the Maximum Diameter Pipeline in Jidong Oilfield was Successfully Towed

The Directional Drilling Back of the Maximum Diameter Pipeline in Jidong Oilfield was Successfully Towed


The Directional Drilling Back of the Maximum Diameter Pipeline in Jidong Oilfield was Successfully Towed

On April 5th, by the Shuanglong River in Caofeidian, Tangshan, Jidong Oilfield successfully completed the directional drilling and dragging construction of the maximum diameter pipeline, marking the final sprint stage of the construction of the Nanpu 1-29 gas storage pipeline in Jidong Oilfield.

The two-way gas transmission pipeline of Nanpu 1-29 gas storage undertakes the task of gas collection and external loading of Nanpu 1-29 gas storage, and is the lifeline of Nanpu No.1 structural gas storage group of Jidong Oilfield. The design mileage of the pipeline is 24 kilometers and the design pressure is 10 mpa, which is the largest diameter and highest pressure natural gas pipeline in Jidong oilfield.80% of the pipeline is water network landform, the construction environment is complex, and the construction is extremely difficult.

The length of the Shuanglong River directional drill is 700 meters, and the buried depth is 17.5 meters. The crossing lasted 58 days, after completing 8 hole expansion operations, the hole diameter reached 1650 mm, and finally reached the towing conditions.

Before the construction, Jidong Oilfield organized the engineering supervision, design units and construction units to go to the site for many times to conduct in-depth analysis of the construction details and the problems easy to appear in the return drag, and to demonstrate and optimize the crossing plan and emergency measures for many times according to the survey report. During the construction, low density mud and water filling and floating measures are adopted to greatly improve the reliability of drilling and supporting operation.