Construction Minutes of Key Projects of Huabei Oilfield

Construction Minutes of Key Projects of Huabei Oilfield


Construction Minutes of Key Projects of Huabei Oilfield

The "ballast stone" project stopped 110 Wells, and the oil increase increased by 4 million tons. The new energy market rapidly expanded, acquired 660 MW and 9.78 million square meters... At present, in the construction site of "ten key projects" of North China Oilfield, the key projects have achieved brilliant stage results.

To grasp the project is to grasp the development, and to seek the project is to seek the future. Since the beginning of this year, the north China oilfield "annual reserves peak growth, xinghua 1 block one million tons capacity construction, oilfield development ballast stone, improve oil recovery test, gas production, CBM efficient production, gas storage, energy saving 100 million yuan, new energy" 343 "crucial, information construction" and other "ten key projects". Huabei Oilfield takes engineering construction as a strong support for the development of the enterprise, with a high starting point planning and high standard construction, laying a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the enterprise.

Racing against time, major projects are advancing efficiently and quickly

Huabei Oilfield decomposed the tasks layer by layer to complete the inverted schedule. By optimizing the project approval and construction process, one-stop centralized office realizes the closed-loop management of key projects. Major construction projects are landed and started as early as possible, and key projects are accelerated by "stepping on the accelerator".

Construction will not relax, and production will not stop. At the site of —— "Xinghua 1 Block Million-ton Capacity Construction Project" of the key project of the joint-stock company, the pipeline purging operation of Bayan oilfield transfer station is being carried out, preparing for the full production of the project. Huabei Oilfield has implemented the "last kilometer" at the grass-roots level, and carries out the construction of joint stations, transfer stations and oil pipelines. The ground construction of production capacity and supporting projects of Xinghua 1 block of Bayan Oilfield are of great significance for boosting the construction of New Huabei Oilfield in the new era and building a comprehensive energy company of ten million tons of equivalent. At present, the overall construction progress of the joint station and the transfer station has been completed by more than 90%.

On May 5th, at the gas injection site of CCUS, the first CCUS pilot test site in Huabei Oilfield, three Wells including Ma 30-14X were drilling 4000 meters underground. In order to ensure the efficient promotion of the "EOR test project", Huabei Oilfield formed a multi-department and cross-professional joint project department, and formed the working idea of deployment, implementation and adjustment. Among them, the CCUS project has been accelerated by optimizing the process design and shortening the construction cycle. At present, 13,000 tons of carbon dioxide has been injected, with significant emission reduction effect.

Relying on technological innovation, the key projects have repeatedly achieved good results

Huabei oilfield with scientific and technological innovation to promote the development of enterprises, make prospective thinking, overall planning, strategic layout and integrity, play the role of the research department, deepen the reform of scientific research system, in view of the problems existing in production operation, exploration and development and explore the external market of technology, overcome difficult, efforts to break through the development technology bottleneck, promote the development of high quality.

In Qinshui Basin, "CBM efficient construction and production project" press the "fast forward button". Huabei Oilfield based on high-level science and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, forming CBM " precise geological selection and well position.