Tarim Oilfield with Learning to Promote the Deep March

Tarim Oilfield with Learning to Promote the Deep March


Tarim Oilfield with Learning to Promote the Deep March

On May 9, the deepest horizontal well ——, with a depth of 9396 meters, officially entered the oil test phase. At present, Tarim Oilfield takes the opportunity of theme education, vigorously implements a new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic action, vigorously implements the "deep land project", uses the latest theoretical achievements of the Party, guides practice, and promotes oil and gas exploration and development, production and construction with theme education.

Tarim oilfield firmly grasp the "learning thought, strong party spirit, practice, a new work" of the general requirements, with high efficiency, high level operation solid study and implement xi new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics theme education, the theoretical study, research, promote development, examine rectification and "deep engineering" together, trying to learn to cast the soul, to learn wisdom, to learn is the wind, to learn to promote dry integration, high standards to promote the theme education each work.

Start with high standards, and effectively promote the theme of education to go deeper and deeper. Tarim oilfield party working immediately set up subject education leading group, arrange the deployment of five aspects 33 specific work, promote oilfield party organizations and leading cadres at all levels firmly grasp the general requirements of the subject education, basic task and specific objectives, according to the division of responsibility and time node detailed control, orderly and effective advance, to the completion of production task and real work performance test learning results. By the end of April, the new round of prospecting breakthrough strategic action in Tarim Oilfield has achieved new results, with 8 risk well location research demonstration and 5 approved, the highest level in the same period; new progress in oil and gas exploration, two exploration Wells tested industrial oil and gas flow, and 3 exploration Wells saw good oil and gas display.

Promote high quality, and effectively promote the solution to the problem of high quality oilfield development through investigation and research. Against the eve of the Spring Festival this year xi general secretary video attachment visit sympathy tarim oilfield grassroots cadres staff when the important indicator spirit, tarim oilfield working according to the priorities of the high quality development path, insist to sink, go out, to meet the development needs, reform, hope at the grass-roots level, to put the learning achievements into a good deep science and technology, be energy guarantee for vanguard, comprehensive construction of China's largest super deep oil and gas field. At the same time, Tarim Oilfield takes the drilling of 10,000 meters exploration well as the starting point and the opportunity to increase the strength of deep scientific and technological research, adhere to the people and the grass-roots level, and promote the 10,000-meter deep well through technical breakthrough and engineering breakthrough. At present, in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, 59 Wells including Fudong 2 and Manshen 803 are being drilled, with a design depth of more than 8000 meters. Among them, Fudong 2 is the second well with a drilling depth of more than 9000 meters, marking a further step to the "deep field project".

At present, it is in the golden period of production and construction. Tarim Oilfield deeply promotes the organic integration of theme education and production and management, and takes the "deep land project" as the starting point, blowing the horn to enter the deep march.