The Largest Oil Terminal in Zhenjiang Section of the Yangtze River Was Opened for Trial Operation

The Largest Oil Terminal in Zhenjiang Section of the Yangtze River Was Opened for Trial Operation


The Largest Oil Terminal in Zhenjiang Section of the Yangtze River Was Opened for Trial Operation

At about 8 am on May 27, under the warning maintenance of "Haixun 06319" of Zhenjiang Maritime Safety Administration, "Kaida XX" docked safely at the wharf of Jiangsu Runxiang Gaoqiao Port Co., LTD., marking the official opening of the largest oil terminal in Zhenjiang section of the Yangtze River.

Runxiang oil terminal belongs to Jiangsu Runxiang Oil and gas Logistics Park Zhenjiang Port Gaoqiao Port Park. According to Shen Xing, chief dispatcher of Runxiang Oil Depot, the port area is the only port area with the functions of refined oil products and liquefied natural gas in the deep water port area of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It has sufficient coastline and land resources, and is a professional oil and gas port area in the transformation and upgrading planning of Zhenjiang Port. Runxiang oil wharf is located in Sanyiqiao operation area of Gaoqiao Port area of Zhenjiang Port, consisting of 1 wharf platform and 1 approach bridge. The wharf platform is a 50,000-ton oil berth, with a length of 284 meters and 25 meters wide, and a designed annual capacity of 2.57 million tons. It is mainly engaged in the loading, unloading and transfer of refined oil products. The wharf is the largest oil wharf berth for single ship in Zhenjiang section of Yangtze River.

Because run auspicious oil terminal is located in the Yangtze river tributary waters, the recent and in the channel water level rapid change period, to ensure the smooth dock by ship, Zhenjiang maritime bureau active service, meeting before berthing, understand the dock before open port operation also need to coordinate issues and docking, guide the choice appropriate berthing timing, clear by security measures, and the site management personnel to carry out the dangerous cargo shore interface check after berthing safety and pollution prevention inspection items training.

On the day of berthing, the quick counter disposal center of Dagang Marine Department of Zhenjiang Maritime Safety Administration monitored the whole process of "Kaida XX", arranged the sea patrol boat and a guard ship to maintain it on the spot, and reminded the passing ships to help avoid it through the VHF VHF wireless phone.