Southwest Oil and Gas Fields to Carry Out a Special Inspection of Technical Service Qualification

Southwest Oil and Gas Fields to Carry Out a Special Inspection of Technical Service Qualification


Southwest Oil and Gas Fields to Carry Out a Special Inspection of Technical Service Qualification

From June 6 to 9, Southwest Oil and Gas Field organized professional and technical personnel of relevant units to go into each construction site to carry out the first special inspection of the qualification of engineering technical service team in 2023, and actively promote the healthy, orderly and compliant development of the technical service market.

The inspection was led by the Southwest Oil and Gas Field Enterprise Management Law and Regulations Department and the Engineering Technology Department, and relying on the Engineering Technology Research Institute (Engineering Technical Supervision Center) to establish the engineering technical service team qualification supervision office. Check in strict accordance with the provisions of the group company qualification management, carefully combing team qualification compliance status, formulated issued on the engineering technical service team qualification and supervision integration related work notice and the engineering technical service team qualification inspection implementation plan, covering the whole qualification professional professional supervision team, the scene to carry out the qualification supervision and inspection, form the whole chain long-term management mechanism.

The special inspection focus on some problems of the service team "look back", with qualification management weak link as the breakthrough point, carefully check the engineering technical service team qualification certificate, etc., focus on the effectiveness of the engineering technical service team qualification, the key post personnel and equipment and qualification, qualification use compliance, key elements, a total check drilling, logging, downhole operation and other professional technical service team 29.

To check the problems found, southwest oil and gas field company actively build collaboration, linkage propulsion responsibility mechanism, item by item, refinement improvement plan, stick to responsibility chain, form a "rectification supervision, supervision, closed loop, warning education" three-step mode, strengthen the problem rectification, illegal disposal and responsibility, to ensure high quality and efficient rectification problems.