The Southwest Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of Oriental Geophysical Exploration Strongly Supports the Risk Exploration in Northeast Sichuan

The Southwest Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of Oriental Geophysical Exploration Strongly Supports the Risk Exploration in Northeast Sichuan


The Southwest Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of Oriental Geophysical Exploration Strongly Supports the Risk Exploration in Northeast Sichuan

On June 26, the author learned that a risk exploration well provided by the technical service of the Southwest Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of Oriental Geophysical Exploration Company Research obtained high-yield industrial air flow, which laid the foundation for the subsequent development in northeast Sichuan.

In 2020, the Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company will deepen the research needs of triassic reef beach in Sichuan Basin and cooperate with the Southwest Oil and Gas Field Exploration and Development Research Institute to carry out in-depth comprehensive research on seismic and geological integration. In the past three years, the Southwest Geophysical Research Institute has carefully summarized and analyzed a large number of seismic geological research results in the early stage, and used the drilling data of nearly 100 Wells in this area and adjacent areas to carry out the processing and interpretation of nearly 100 Wells in northeast Sichuan. The technical team overcame the exploration problems such as the complex high and steep structure in northeast Sichuan, the underground belly structure affected by the intersection of multiple groups of stresses, and the difficulty in data processing and interpretation, and formed more than 200 pieces of various ancient landforms, phase belts, structures and reservoir related maps, which strongly supported the successful deployment of risk exploration Wells.

During the one-year drilling process, Southwest Geophysical Research Institute explained that the second room actively carried out drilling tracking, predicted geological risks and the depth of the main target layer of drilling tracking, which finally ensured the smooth entry of the exploration well into the target and encountered the high-quality reservoir.