​The Self-Research Technology of Daqing Oilfield Has a Remarkable Effect on Oil Increase and Stable Production

​The Self-Research Technology of Daqing Oilfield Has a Remarkable Effect on Oil Increase and Stable Production


The Self-Research Technology of Daqing Oilfield Has a Remarkable Effect on Oil Increase and Stable Production

As of September 5, the biological environmental protection enzyme viscosity reduction and plugging technology independently developed by the No.5 Oil Production Plant of Daqing Oilfield has been applied to 60 well times with an average oil increase of 126 tons, adding oil increase and stable production to the poplar layer.

Bioenvironmental enzyme is a kind of biocatalyst extracted with matrix as protein by genetic engineering, biological engineering and cell engineering. Under laboratory conditions, the viscosity of crude oil can be reduced by more than 48%. The principle of action is like the enzyme in washing powder, making the reservoir rock from oleophilic to hydrophilic, reducing the flow resistance of the reservoir pores, so as to achieve the purpose of plugging, oil displacement and oil recovery.

In practical application, this technology has a significant effect on oil increase. Well Xing 8-31-inclined P329 is a typical low-yield and low-efficiency well. The oil production of this well was only 0.1 tons before treatment, and the daily oil output increased to 1.1 tons after treatment.

Bioenvironmental enzyme is a kind of biocatalyst, which will not destroy the original environment of the formation. For the poor formation conditions, it is very conducive to long-term stable development, and has no impact on the production process of the well and the surface. At present, from the results of the stage test, the technical and economic benefits are relatively obvious. The input-output ratio of the well stage with taken measures is 1:2.5, the average validity period of the single well measure can reach 100 to 150 days, and the final input-output ratio can reach 1:2.7, setting a new record of Fuyang oil layer technology in Daqing Oilfield.