The Unconventional Gas Production of the CBM Company Exceeds 20 Billion Cubic Meters

The Unconventional Gas Production of the CBM Company Exceeds 20 Billion Cubic Meters


The Unconventional Gas Production of the CBM Company Exceeds 20 Billion Cubic Meters

As of September 5, CBM companies have produced more than 20 billion cubic meters of unconventional natural gas, reaching 20.08974 billion cubic meters.

The CBM Company was established in 2008. In the past 15 years, the company has been committed to "accelerating the development of CBM business, making CNPC the CBM business technology leader, the standard maker and the leader of business development". The unconventional natural gas produced has directly benefited more than 3 million residents in 15 cities and counties in Shanxi and Shaanxi.

"Deep ploughing in the shallow surface" harvest fruitful results. In 2008, the company took the first trial in Hancheng block to explore the formation of technical system such as structural gas reservoir fine drawing, roof fracturing and "three prevention" process, so that the production capacity of Hancheng block has reached 150 million cubic meters per year since 2015, and the stable production of the first medium and high order coal and CBM development zone has been built in China. The company continues to carry out the development of medium and low rank coal CBM development technology, and explore the formation of "six technical tools". Since 2016, Baode Block has maintained a stable gas production of more than 500 million cubic meters for seven consecutive years, becoming the first large-scale medium and low-order coal CBM field in China and a national CBM industrial base in eastern Hubei.

"Fine and dense" can speed up production. Since 2013, the company has continuously overcome the influence of adverse storage conditions such as small scale and fast change of dense gas sand in the eastern Hubei, and proved the first dense sandstone gas reservoir over 100 billion cubic meters in the eastern Hubei. On January 20,2021, the daily output of tight sandstone gas reached up to 5.68 million cubic meters, and a production area with an annual output of 1.3 billion cubic meters was built. Since then, the history of no natural gas field in Shanxi Province has been completely rewritten.

"Great coal and deep coal" led the industrial revolution. After 30 years of domestic CBM development, mainly concentrated in 1200 meters of shallow coal seam, 2000 meters of deep CBM development is recognized as a world-class "technology forbidden area" in the industry. Since 2019, the company continues to deepen the understanding of resources, technology iteration to upgrade, in 2021 in daning-ji county block north hedong proved the first domestic deep over 2000 meters of large deep CBM field, implements the deep CBM resources exploration strategic breakthrough, deep CBM exploration and development provides important support.