The Buried Hill Oilfield of Huabei Oilfield was Selected as the First Batch of Industrial Heritage List of Hebei Province

The Buried Hill Oilfield of Huabei Oilfield was Selected as the First Batch of Industrial Heritage List of Hebei Province


The Buried Hill Oilfield of Huabei Oilfield was Selected as the First Batch of Industrial Heritage List of Hebei Province

A few days ago, after expert review, on-site verification and online publicity procedures, Hebei Province Industry and information technology Department announced the first batch of Hebei Province's industrial heritage list, a total of 18 industrial heritage in the province, North China oilfield buried hill oilfield list.

In 1975, Huabei Oilfield was the first to establish the new concept and theory of "ancient buried hill" and "newborn ancient reservoir", built the largest carbonate oil field of ancient buried hill in China, and hit the highest daily production of a single well in China's initial onshore oil well, creating a miracle of "exploration, development, construction and recovery of state investment in the same year". In the past 48 years, the Ren Si Well in the ancient buried hill oilfield has nurtured the spirit of Ren Si Well, which is rich in the characteristics of The Times and practical connotation, and has become the "spiritual highland" of North China oilfield people, inspiring generations of oil people to constantly cast new brilliance in the challenge.

In recent years, North China Oilfield has strengthened the protection and utilization of core physical items such as important well station of ancient buried hill oilfield, Ren Sijing Memorial Hall, and historical buildings of mining area. Ren Sijing has also been selected as the Petroleum Spirit Education Base of the Group company, the Demonstration base of Patriotism Education for teenagers in Hebei Province, the first batch of industrial cultural heritage of China Petroleum, and the list of cultural relics protected in Cangzhou City.

Next, Huabei Oilfield will continue to strengthen the protection of provincial industrial heritage projects, tell good industrial stories, promote industrial civilization, actively assist in the application of national industrial heritage, and promote the better protection and utilization of industrial heritage.