Shale Gas Production in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Has Exceeded 10 Billion Square Meters for Four Consecutive Years

Shale Gas Production in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Has Exceeded 10 Billion Square Meters for Four Consecutive Years


Shale Gas Production in Southwest Oil and Gas Field Has Exceeded 10 Billion Square Meters for Four Consecutive Years

As of October 12, the shale gas production of Southwest oil and gas field this year reached 10.051 billion cubic meters, an increase of 11.75%, and the output exceeded 10 billion cubic meters for four consecutive years.

As a pioneer in domestic shale gas exploration and development, after more than 10 years of practice, Southwest Oil and Gas Field has adhered to independent research, vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, realized the transformation of medium and deep shale gas "from low production to high production, from scattered to scale, from ineffective to effective", and built the first shale gas field in China with "trillion cubic meters of reserves and 10 billion cubic meters of production". Shale gas production exceeded 10 billion cubic meters for the first time in 2020, becoming an important growth pole for the company's natural gas production.

Since the beginning of this year, the Southwest oil and gas field has continued to grasp the capacity construction and production organization, tracking progress against the standard and table, and striving to contribute to the early production of gas Wells. In the first three quarters of this year, 177 shale gas Wells were put into operation, with a new annual capacity of 4.209 billion cubic meters, and new Wells contributed more than 1.567 billion cubic meters of production.

Southwest Oil and Gas Field focuses on the speed and efficiency of shale gas drilling, vigorously promotes daily fee management, refines mud preventive pretreatment and drilling fluid density dynamic management, and ensures the "double improvement" of drilling speed and quality. Accelerate the construction of shale gas evaluation Wells, set periodic targets for the standard, regularly analyze the implementation, coordinate all aspects of pre-drilling, drilling and fracturing, and achieve "zero equal stop". To do a good job in the development and management of shale gas Wells, comprehensively use gas lift, bubble drainage, pressurization and other measures to maximize the production capacity of gas Wells, constantly improve the intelligent management level of gas production technology, and effectively control the comprehensive decline rate of old shale gas Wells.