Exploration and Production Engineering Supervision Center Management Modernization Innovation Achievements Won

Exploration and Production Engineering Supervision Center Management Modernization Innovation Achievements Won


Exploration and Production Engineering Supervision Center Management Modernization Innovation Achievements Won

On October 16, the reporter learned in the exploration and production engineering supervision Center of the joint stock company that the center won awards in the "2023 Excellent achievements, excellent papers and excellent works of petroleum and petrochemical enterprise Management modernization Innovation" organized by the China Petroleum Enterprise Association. Among them, 3 first prizes, 2 second prizes and 1 third prizes; Among the 22 papers submitted by the organization, 15 have won awards, including 1 first prize, 7 second prizes and 7 third prizes. The award rate and award level exceeded the average level of petroleum and petrochemical enterprises.

In recent years, the supervision center has strengthened the construction of the publicity system of China's petroleum engineering supervision industry, and has continuously organized and participated in the selection of 3 excellent achievements and 4 excellent papers of China's petroleum engineering supervision industry. Since 2021, the center has organized a total of 13 declared results, 79 papers, 2 works, and 11 award-winning excellent results, accounting for 85% of the declared number; 37 excellent papers, accounting for 47% of the number of applications; 2 excellent works, accounting for 100% of the number of applications. Actively participate in the selection of excellent results and papers, enhance the influence of China's petroleum engineering supervision industry, and promote the comprehensive quality and ability of the backbone of engineering supervision personnel.

It is reported that this year, the China Petroleum Enterprises Association received a total of 498 declared results, 1542 papers, and finally selected 300 excellent results and 925 excellent papers.