The Annual Gas Injection Volume of Jidong Oilfield Reservoir Exceeded 300 Million Cubic Meters

The Annual Gas Injection Volume of Jidong Oilfield Reservoir Exceeded 300 Million Cubic Meters


The Annual Gas Injection Volume of Jidong Oilfield Reservoir Exceeded 300 Million Cubic Meters

Jidong Oilfield Nanpu No. 1 gas storage and Bogu No. 2 gas storage entered the third round of gas injection on April 1 this year. As of October 25, the two gas storage tanks have exceeded 300 million cubic meters of gas injection this year.

In order to improve the working gas storage capacity and speed up the liquid drainage expansion schedule, Jidong Oilfield started from the aspects of improving the capacity of ground compressor, preparing the new well gas injection shaft, and coordinating the adjustment of formation gas injection and liquid drainage, etc., and promoted the "trinity" of ground - wellbore - formation to break through the bottleneck affecting the gas injection capacity and ensure the annual gas injection work as planned.

Efficient organization of Bogu 2 gas storage relocation compressor construction. The oil field system analyzed the gas transmission technical parameters of the existing pipeline network of the Baogu 2 platform and the established facilities of the pilot, made full use of the established electrical, civil and technological facilities of the pilot, and relocated a leased electric drive compressor to complete the compressor migration and ground construction at the fastest speed, ensuring the successful one-time start-up of the migration compressor, and increasing the daily gas injection from 300,000 cubic meters to 400,000 cubic meters.

Optimize new well betting operations. In order to improve the gas injection capacity as soon as possible, the oilfield has fully studied the situation and formulated countermeasures to speed up the production of new Wells. Technical personnel fully combined the new well gas injection capacity, operation site, operation cycle, old well gas injection influence and other factors, to carry out several rounds of technical discussion, optimize the operation arrangement of new well production, effectively reduce the impact on the current gas injection well production, and efficiently promote the new well production. At present, six new Wells have been temporarily put into operation and four new Wells have been put into operation, with an additional daily gas injection volume of 800,000 cubic meters.

Carry out fine gas injection dynamic analysis. Technical personnel carry out detailed gas injection dynamic analysis, and strengthen gas drive state regulation on the principle of "maximum expansion, displacement and recovery". Through coordinated adjustment at both ends of injection and production, the gas injection speed is optimized at the gas injection end, and the production end is opened when it can be opened, which increases the liquid discharge of gas storage and increases the pore volume of underground gas storage. Priority was given to organizing 6 new Wells to carry out temporary drainage, which improved the gas injection capacity of the new Wells, increased the formation drainage volume, and improved the gas injection capacity of the new Wells in the initial stage of operation.