​Daqing Oilfield Turns' Problem List into Satisfactory Answer Sheet

​Daqing Oilfield Turns' Problem List into Satisfactory Answer Sheet


Daqing Oilfield Turns' Problem List into Satisfactory Answer Sheet 

In the first 10 months of this year, the "Three Old four strict" birthplace - Daqing Oilfield oil production plant No. 1 oil production team has completed a cumulative production of 156,000 tons, exceeding 22,000 tons. "We should carry forward the petroleum spirit and the Daqing Spirit of iron Man spirit, in-depth carry out the second batch of theme education, inherit the fine tradition of the 'Three old men and four strict laws', and sprint the annual task goal." On November 2, Wang Tianyi, secretary of the Party branch of the Middle and fourth oil team, said.

The Party Committee of Daqing Oilfield firmly promotes theme education, continues to do a good job in the transformation of the first batch of theme education research results and the implementation of rectification tasks, does a good job in the "second half of the article", carries out the second batch of theme education with high quality, ensures that the theme education has characteristics and is effective with strict style and efficient measures, and turns the "problem list" of development into a practical "satisfactory answer sheet".

Adhere to the "bonfire study two theories" to grasp learning, learning ideas. The Party committee of the second oil production plant strengthened itself with "learning" and proposed a number of targeted measures and ideas such as establishing a large-scale development management model and promoting cross-professional joint research in the special discussion, making the discussion and exchange a powerful weapon to promote the work. The Party committee of Daqing drilling Engineering Company organized party members and cadres to visit and study a well of Tiren, to strengthen confidence and find a good solution in the continuous red blood.

Adhere to the requirements of "three aspects, five to the scene" to focus on research and strong style. Subject education should not only "learn from paper", but also "see things". The leading team of the Party Committee of the oil production Engineering Research Institute determined 18 topics such as "cracking technical problems and training young talents", collected 121 problems, and has solved 64 practical difficulties.

Adhere to the action of "doing, is Marxism-Leninism" to grasp development and work. The Party committee of the Gas Production Company (gas Storage Company) focused on the problems restricting the development of the company, strengthened the research on the digital safe operation and management mode of the gas field, and led the cadres and employees to efficiently and efficiently complete the digital construction and data access work of 118 gas Wells, 24 stations and 2 production dispatching centers. Key projects such as CCUS-EOR pipeline project and Phase III project of Xushen 9 Natural Gas Purification Plant of Daqing Oilfield Natural Gas Branch have consolidated the foundation for development.