Coal Bed Methane Company Linfen Gas Production Management Area: Strengthen Management and Production Speed Up Efficiency

Coal Bed Methane Company Linfen Gas Production Management Area: Strengthen Management and Production Speed Up Efficiency


Coal Bed Methane Company Linfen Gas Production Management Area: Strengthen Management and Production Speed Up Efficiency

On November 10, the reporter learned that the natural gas production of the Linfen gas production management area of the coal bed methane company exceeded 1 million tons of oil and gas equivalent for the first time this year, adding a guarantee for the smooth supply of gas in winter.

In order to ensure stable natural gas production in winter, Linfen gas production management Area strengthened on-site production management, actively solved the key and difficult problems of on-site production, and made every effort to fight the winter supply guarantee war.

Grasp the production, improve the efficiency of production operation. Linfen gas production Management area refined and improved the winter supply work plan, focused on "tight gas stable production, deep coal production" and other key work, fully launched the "stable production in the old area, new production" battle, from the improvement of gas well drainage measures, ground technology and process optimization, block gathering pipe network transportation, insulation equipment maintenance, on-site hidden dangers rectification; Fully implement the fine description of tight gas, classify and formulate countermeasures and research directions for the next step, and ensure the efficient promotion of comprehensive adjustment measures; By strengthening the fine management of "one collection, one policy, one well and one method", we will fully ensure the stable and continuous production of the block. In view of the difficult problems such as large sand content and poor production continuity in some deep coal and rock gas horizontal Wells, the management area organized special research. At present, the daily output of deep coal and rock gas remains above 3.7 million cubic meters.

Promote sales, pay close attention to operational efficiency. Linfen gas production management area pays close attention to the key link of "commodity volume improvement", coordinates the coordinated operation of "production, supply and marketing", pays close attention to the changes in natural gas prices, and organizes downstream units to comprehensively do the maintenance and daily management of key equipment such as compressors and separators in advance according to the gas consumption plan in southwest Shanxi this winter; Actively docking Xintian Energy and other 6 units to prepare for winter production and marketing operation. At the same time, further optimize the fragmented gas sales mechanism, so that it should be sold out, and effectively increase the commercial volume of natural gas. In October, the cumulative sales of natural gas in Linfen Gas production management area increased by 16.2% over the previous month.

Ensure smooth, compacted safe production responsibility. Linfen gas production management area has refined the winter insulation work to every corner, every pipeline, and every gas well, constantly improving the "three lists" of risks, responsibilities, and assessments at all levels and positions, and resolutely doing "not freezing a device, a valve, and a pipeline." This management area focuses on the safety education of contractors in the changing of seasons, and firmly carries out the investigation and management of hidden dangers in the changing of seasons, construction supervision of engineering projects, traffic safety and employee operation safety management, and enhances the training effect by combining theory with practice, further improves the safety skill level of employees, and ensures the safety and stability of production.